The committee shall recommend activities concerned with information relevant to genetic epidemiology as it relates to the education of students in general, the training of professionals in genetic epidemiology, and to a lesser extent the awareness of genetic epidemiology by the general public. The committee shall be especially concerned with education at all levels relating to genetic epidemiology, particularly at the professional level, and should encourage liaison with the education committees of other groups. The committee shall also consider requests to communicate basic genetic epidemiology knowledge, its advances, and its applications to the public at large.
Chunyu Liu (co-Chair) Boston University, USA |
Luke Grosvenor (co-Chair) |
Todd Edwards Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN, USA |
Pingzhao Hu Western University London, Canada |
George Papanicolaou National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Bethesda, MD, USA |
Tae-Hwi (Linus) Schwantes-An Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA |
Wei Xu |
Yan Sun Emory University Atlanta, GA, USA |
Sarah Buxbaum Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, USA |